RE – curriculum information
At Rokeby Park we have adopted the Hull and East Riding Agreed Syllabus for RE, a syllabus for Religion and Worldviews and use the accompanying units of learning. The syllabus helps pupils work towards our school values of responsibility, respect and resilience and ensures that we are ambitious for all pupils especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with SEND. The syllabus states that the curriculum for RE aims to ensure that all pupils develop religious literacy through:
- Knowing about and understanding a range of religions and worldviews, learning to see these through the disciplines of Theology, Philosophy and Social sciences
- Expressing ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religion and worldviews through a multidisciplinary approach whilst engaging critically with them
- Gaining and deploying skills taken from the disciplines of Theology, Philosophy and Social sciences to enhance learning about religions and different worldviews
This scheme of work also helps pupils to:
- answer to questions about a range of religions and worldviews,
- express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and worldviews
- gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews
The RE curriculum links closely to our school curriculum drivers, ensuring a focus on basic skills, diversity and spirituality, providing children with aspirations and opportunities for the future and helping our pupils develop confidence and self-belief.
By the end of EYFS, pupils will:
Have an understanding about the similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions.
By the end of Key Stage 1, pupils will:
Build upon learning in EYFS and learn about the religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism and world views including Humanism, through stories, ceremonies and symbols.
By the end of Key Stage 2, pupils will:
Understand Christianity in great depth, alongside Hinduism and Sikhism. They will develop their understanding of Humanism and other non-religious world views. Our pupils will be able to question, reflect and show empathy for others. They will understand a fair world, recognise injustice and celebrate diversity.
Religion and different worldviews
In line with developing practice across the country, we introduce pupils to some different ways to enquire about religion and worldviews. We use the idea of using an ‘about believing’ lens (theological), an ‘about living’ lens (social sciences) and a ‘thinking about’ lens (philosophical) to help pupils explore religions and worldviews through a balance of beliefs, ways of living and thoughtful, deep questions. When considering a story such as the Good Samaritan from Christianity, we ask questions about what the beliefs of the different characters were; why they behaved in the way they did and how the story has an impact on Christians today. Everyone has a worldview, be it religious or otherwise. This scheme of work enables pupils to consider their own worldview as well as those of the different religious and non-religious groups and individuals they learn about. This helps pupils understand their roles, right and responsibilities as citizens in school and in their local and wider community.
Each unit is taught using an enquiry approach to learning which draws upon prior knowledge, skills and understanding. This approach reflects the principles of curriculum coherence, with less content and an emphasis on establishing understanding of core concepts. There is an expectation that topics are taught in a deeper way, using a multi-disciplinary approach and paying attention to the big ideas which underpin learning. This approach provides children with the opportunity to develop ‘powerful knowledge’ about the religions and worldviews they study, which helps to make them skilful and sophisticated interpreters of the world around them. We provide children with opportunities to develop their reading and vocabulary through RE, by displaying and using key vocabulary linked to the units of work in the agreed syllabus.
Pupils’ learning is enhanced by engaging in varied experiences and opportunities, such as:
- visiting places of worship and focusing on symbols and feelings
- listening and responding to visitors from local faith/secular communities
- using their senses and having times of quiet reflection
- using art and design, music, dance and drama to develop their talents and imagination (i.e., Spirited Arts/Poetry)
- sharing their own beliefs, ideas and values and talking about their feelings and experiences
- using IT to explore religions and beliefs as practised in the local community
This helps to ensure pupils have aspirations for the future and are inspired by a variety of role models.
The RE curriculum at Rokeby Park is progressive, builds on prior learning and enables children to develop skills which are vital in their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Careful consideration is taken to ensure that children can access the curriculum in a whole class setting, as well as using personalised learning strategies in line with our inclusion policy. We regard skills such as resilience and perseverance as vital curriculum components, which will support children to achieve their full potential. Through our teaching we aim to foster children’s commitment, fairness, respect, self-understanding, enquiry and openness. This will help pupils to develop relationships and respect for others.
The impact of learning is measured through the use of Big Questions which demonstrate what has been understood. The criteria are informed by the statutory End of Key Stage Expectations which describe the knowledge, skills and understanding expected of a pupil who has a secure understanding of what has been taught. Where learning is not secure, additional learning takes place to address this. RE standards are monitored recording attainment against year group objectives.
Through RE our pupils develop the knowledge and skills to show an understanding of religion and worldviews, allowing them to develop into young people who are able to show respect for others, responsibility for themselves and resilience to see the possibilities for their future.
Further information
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‘My best memory was when it was Rokeby’s got talent and at the end the teachers all got up and danced’
‘started here in Year 5 and I’ve enjoyed everything at Rokeby Park Primary – it’s the best.’
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‘Maths is my favourite subject because I enjoy the challenges we are set.’